My daughter's passion is her love of horses and writing (visit her blog, www.aspiredauthor.blogspot.com). So this painting is for her. She loves this horse called Brave Heart. I think he's quite awful as he has thrown her quite fiercely a few time, once destroying her helmet. But she loves him so what's a mother to do, ...besides move her to a different riding school which yes, I confess I did.
Very nice Susan! For me this evokes a feeling of sunlight and freedom.
I hope your daughter is enjoying her new school in spite of missing Brave Heart!
Hi Deborah, I think she feels very free when she's riding particularly through the woods. Thank you for stopping by. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful silk paintings.
Another huge painting! I haven't been brave enough to try one that big yet, but I get encouraged when I see yours. What a beautiful way to portray Brave Heart!
I can only imagine how impressive this is at full size...really dreamy!
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