I made these paintings over the last couple of days and decided to post them together. The theme is paint-what-normally-doesn't-get-a- second-glance.
The river flooded but has started to recede leaving pools of water in the woods. It has opened a whole new world of painting possibilities. I hope to paint more before it all dries up.

"Reflections of Blu Skies" Oil 6"x8" (sold)
I never knew how much a blue sky could change the colors of muddy water.

"Morning Glow" Oil 8"x6" ($145.)
Tried to capture the sun light as it just starts to touch some of the buildings in the morning. Normally I focus on the watertower which is shown to the right but cropped off. The smaller surrounding buildings have much charm themselves so I hope to paint them from different angles.
Susan, Your theme is a good one; one we as artists should all touch on since our "job" is to make beauty. You did it...as always.
I LOVE these paintings where the view is in close, there's something really startlingly beautiful in them...what is it? Is it their somewhat unusual composition, their subject matter?? I don't know, but I adore them.
You did a great job of finding beauty in overlooked places! These are all great!
I love your theme. And the paintings are very well done.
Hi Susan,
Love the theme, LOVE the paintings.
You do water beautifully!
What a wonderful idea to paint what normally wouldn't make it onto the canvas. You did a lovely job with these. I think the top one is my favorite because I like the composition best.
Thank you for your wonderful insights and comments. Happy painting to you all!
Fantastic color work. The second is my favorite.
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