"Cactus At First Light"
I love to travel and this year I am fortunate to do more than usual. I have recently returned from an intense trip through Venice, Croatia, the Dolomites and a day in Austria. I have my plein air kit down to a convenient size and weight, (using linen mounted on gatorboard has greatly reduced the weight.) Because of Jill Carver's excellent advice, I focus on hunting/gathering information en plein air in order to allow mother nature to be my teacher.
(these paintings are oil, painted on linen, 9"x12")
Shoe clips with pearls and rhinestones in grey, ivory, pink, off white shoe
clips Chiffon flowers Flower Girl Bride Bridesmaids Shoe clips by
18.00 USD
Rhinestone and pearl delicate chiffon embellished 1.75" blossoms are
attached to a sturdy metal and leather shoe clip. These flowers are also
5 months ago