"Private Interiors" 6"x8" oil ($138.)
This is a plein air study. I focused on using value for creating a strong and simple composition and the edges. Hopefully the overall affect is a feeling of just starting to enter a wooded area.
"Sunlit Interiors" 24"x30" oil ($1800.)
This is my latest studio painting. My source was a few little plein air pieces previously posted and my imagination. The studies are greenish in color and equally cooler in temperature. So my experiment was to keep the same value but amplify the temperature. Using those concepts I applied my own chose of color and went from the cooler greens to the warmer sun colors. My idea was to try to capture the warmth of a late afternoon day.
An excellent exercise in value and temperature very well executed - the top one is gorgeous. It's so inviting, I can feel the warmth eminating from the canvas.
I love both of these Susan. The warmth you've conveyed in "Private Interiors" is wonderful.
Hi Caroline, Kim, and Kathleen, Thanks so much for your feedback. I love hearing from you and it is so helpful reading your comments.
Happy Art-making to you
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